Air Quality Sensitivity Matrices (AQSM)
The Air Quality Sensitivity Matrices (AQSM) are 3D sensitivities computed using the GEOS-Chem adjoint for the nested North American domain. These capture the annually averaged population exposure to PM2.5 in the US, with respect to various emissions species. Further details about the sensitivities and an application of these to the emissions of the main sectors in the US can be found here.
The AQSM are available for download from the link below:
A technical note containing detailed explanation about the sensitivities can be found here.
Global full-flight emissions – BC Update
An updated global full-flight aviation emissions dataset for the year 2005 is available, generated using the Aviation Emissions Inventory Code (AEIC) v2.1. The format of this dataset is similar to the global full-flight emissions below, with an additional column added for black carbon (BC) emission estimates. The data are published as annual average emission rates at a resolution of 1°x1°. The data is released under the BSD license at this time. Citable publications for this dataset are in Environmental Science and Technology (2013), Transportation Research Part D (2013) and Atmospheric Environment (2011).
The emissions are available for download as a .zip archive from the link below:
Other resolutions can be generated using AEIC V2.1.
Global full-flight emissions
We are pleased to make available a global full-flight aviation emissions dataset for the year 2005, generated using the Aviation Emissions Inventory Code (AEIC). Further details regarding this dataset can be found in an LAE technical note. Citable publications for this dataset are in Transportation Research Part D (2013) and Atmospheric Environment (2011).The data is released under the BSD license at this time.
The emissions are gridded into three resolutions, available for download as tar.gz archives from the links below:
Please contact us for further information or to request other data sets.