LAE’s github repository is the preferred way to access LAE’s open-source codes. Follow the organization on to be notified of new code as it becomes available.
- APCEMM: Aircraft Plume Chemistry Emission and Microphysics Model
- pyNA: Python Noise Assessment tool
- IdealGases.jl: Thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures
- TASOPT.jl: Aircraft design and optimization tool in Julia
GEOS-Chem XPLEX is an implementation of the complex step method in GEOS-Chem. Complex step sensitivity is a forward sensitivity numerical method that mitigates the disadvantages of finite difference methods while retaining the accuracy of forward algorithm differentiation. A technical note describing the implementation of XPLEX and its usage is provided here. A description of the GEOS-Chem XPLEX theory and example applications may be found in this MIT thesis.
The code is available here:
The Rapid Dispersion Code (RDC)
The Rapid Dispersion Code (RDC) is a tool to estimate the long-term pollutant concentrations due to emissions sources at ground level including point, line and area sources in a computationally efficient manner while minimizing errors. Further details on the code development can be found here and here. The relatively low computational cost of RDC (compared with other dispersion models) makes itself especially suitable for policy analyses.
The code is available here:
A technical note describing the extension and containing installation instructions can be found here.
Aviation Emissions Inventory Code v2.1
The Aviation Emissions Inventory Code (AEIC) v2.1 is now available online. This is an update to AEIC v2.0 that includes improved black carbon (BC) emission estimates. Further details on the updated BC estimation methods can be found here, here and here. The code and packaged datasets are released under the BSD license.
The code is available here:
An updated global emissions dataset generated using AEIC v2.1 is also available on the emissions datasets page.
Aviation Emissions Inventory Code v2.0
The Aviation Emissions Inventory Code (AEIC) v2.0 is now available online. The code, written in Matlab, is able to estimate aviation emissions from all phases of flight, with the associated uncertainties quantified. The code and packaged datasets are released under the BSD license.
The code and documentation are available here:
A global emissions dataset generated using AEIC along with documentation is also available on the emissions datasets page and a journal paper is available here and here. This emissions dataset is currently being integrated into GEOS-Chem.
Aviation Emissions Inventory Code v1.0
We are pleased to release the Aviation Emissions Inventory Code (AEIC) v1.0. The code, written in Matlab, is able to estimate emissions arising from aircraft LTO activity, auxiliary power units (APU) and ground support equipment (GSE) at a single airport or set of airports within the US and UK. Further details regarding this code was described here. The code and packaged datasets are released under a BSD license.
The code and associated datasets are packaged in a tar.gz archive, available for download using the link below:
This has been superseded by AEIC v2.0, but v1.0 may be of use to users who only need LTO emissions.
Please contact us for further information or to request other codes.